Idealized in 2001 in the City of the Handle, the South Africa, the World-wide Campaign of the Conjunct did not delay to exceed borders and if to spread for the world. In the 2009 edition, the event intends to mobilize, of 21 the 31 of May, about 220 countries for the cause. In the passed year, 214 nations had participated of the movement. The chosen date is not by chance, therefore it sends to the time of Pentecostes. The international movement has as objective to pray per 10 days followed for the pardon of the sins, for the participant countries, the authorities and a genuine livening (social actions of the churches in its communities) throughout all the year. During the campaign, each country will trace its strategy of performance, with vigils, cults, clock and rooms of conjunct, among others methods. In Brazil, the proposal is to conclamar Christian churches and of diverse states and cities. In each place or integrant religious denomination, a leadership will have to organize the actions of conjunct. The apex of the campaign will happen in its last day, when a great celebration is foreseen. In set, the churches of each city will have to promote cults of louvor and worship the God in public places, congregating the people in squares, colleges, gymnasia, stadiums and parks. To participate, more information for the site
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segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2009
City of the Handle
South Africa
the World-wide
World-wide campaign
World-wide campaign of the conjunct will mobilize 220 countries in May
World-wide campaign of the conjunct will mobilize 220 countries in May
City of the Handle#
South Africa#
the World-wide#
World-wide campaign#
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