We are privileged people and we need to take ownership of this privilege, as air that we breathe we must take ownership of this chance that God in its infinite mercy grants in them. You today need to have headquarters of God and to desire of the deep one of its being to enter in the place santíssimo, that is, in the saint Dos Santos. To have privacy with God, to feel its heat, its love and its I hug. To enter in the Saint Dos Santos, says the writer of Hebrews who we need to have ousadia, deep desire, will to try what God has for each one of us. E alone those that have this ousadia will be able to try the supernatural one in its lives and believe that this is the moment for its life. You observe some points important to enter in the place santíssimo: 1 - A way - v only exists. 20 How many people want to enter ahead of the presence of God and think that the correct form is the religion or the good workmanships, being that this must be only one consequence for you to have entered for the way to present itself ahead of the all powerful God. The word in this exactly text sample that the only form is through the blood of Jesus, for the new and alive way. Through the sacrifice of Jesus in the cross of the calvário, through its spilled blood, of the price that it paid for our sins it only is that we will be able ahead presenting in them of God. When we go to the cross and we take with us our old man, the old nature with all its sins, it means that and we leave the old man crucificado with Christ, and of course everything in our life if it makes new, therefore Jesus declares: “I am I walk, and the truth, and the life; nobody comes the Father if it will not be for me.” (Jô. 10:6). We need to keep in our heart that the only way to enter in the Saint Dos Santos, that is, ahead of the all powerful God is through the new and alive way, Jesus. 2 - We have a Priest - V. 21 This is incredible! You already stopped to think who you are its priest? The priest has the responsibility to intercede ahead for the man of God. In the Old Will we find the priest entering in the Saint Dos Santos only one time per year and there it made intercession for the sins of the King, its sins and the sins of the people. It thinks well, a time per year only, but today it is different, therefore versicle 21 says: “And having great Priest on the house of God.” You already discovered who you are that one that she ahead intercedes for you of the Father? Jesus is 24 hours per day in the Saint Dos Santos, not a time per year; It does not need to intercede for its sins because it never knew the sin, nor practised, however, most important he is that It intercedes not only for its sins, being its lawyer ahead of God, as well as it intercedes for all its necessities, are they spirituals, materials, physics and financiers. The desire of Jesus is to take you to the place santíssimo and to present the father to it, where you will be able to know it, to have a revelation of person of God in its life and to start to try the intention of God for you. From the moment that you to enter in the place santíssimo its life will not be more the same one. Since already it searchs the life of God and it desires to live in its saint temple because in Jesus you will find the reply for its life. God is faithful and wants to make to it happy!
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