To stimulate the evangelização, it sees here articles on evangelismo, phrases and illustrations on evangelismo, missions and message on evangelismo. Evangelizar the world, here it is the great desire of the heart of God. The Bible says that God is not glad itself in the death of people who had not had a meeting with It. Therefore it is its desire that all believe in Jesus and are safe. When we dedicate in them to the evangelização also we are hurrying the coming of Jesus to search its loved church. It sees what Jesus said, in Mateus 24:14: " E this evangelho of the kingdom will be nailed in the whole world, in witness thereof to all the gentes, and then it will come fim". Where to evangelizar To know where to evangelizar, for who special Jesuses ordered to announce evangelho and as to carry through the evangelização in situations. The indication clearest of where to evangelizar was given by Jesus, when it said: " But you will receive the virtue from the Espirito Santo, that has to come on you; e you will be me witnesses in such a way in Jerusalem as in all Judéia and Samaria and until the confines of terra" (Acts 1:8). Jerusalem, Judéia and Samaria and confines of the land Jerusalem can mean the people who live with us: our familiar, work and neighboring ones, schoolmates. Judéia and Samaria; the people next to us, but with which we do not have contact: the people of the quarters and the next cities. Confines of the land would represent the people most distant, living of other states and countries. The Evangelho for all Jesus does not disdain any human being, but he wants that all hear the message of the Evangelho. Thus, the church of Jesus must dedicate to attention to all the people, dedicating itself it to evangelizar in all the places. Jesus also said: " IDE for the whole world, you nail evangelho to all criatura" (Landmarks 16:15). Where to evangelizar? Then, where to evangelizar? We go to examine the New Will. We go to see in which places the first evangelizadores, to start for Jesus, had announced the Evangelho. It opens its Bible in Lucas 8:1 and you it will see Jesus nailing evangelho in the cities and villages. In Acts 5:42, the disciples announcing the Jesus Christ in the temple and the houses. In Acts 16:31, Pablo and Silas nailing the Evangelho in the arrest. E in the same book of Acts, now 8:29, the Filipe deacon nailing during a trip. In II Timóteo 4:2, Pablo recommends the Timóteo: " that you nail the word, that you urge in time and it are of time… ". Thus, the plan of evangelização of the church Mr. Jesus Christ must be: “all the people in all the places” Some places As examples, we relate some places where if it can announce the Evangelho. Being able to be for personal contact or offering evangelística literature (evangelisticos brochures, evangelho, Biblical magazines, Bibles, etc.): • in the lines: commerce, bus, banks, • in the doors: of banks, schools, fairs, stadiums, of stations, • in the parties: religious, esportivas Other ways to evangelizar You can evangelizar using other ways, as: • meetings in family houses, • sending messages for friends for the Internet, • sending familiar letters and the known people, • loaning films with subjects of the Evangelho, • presenteando people with CDs of evangélica music of good quality, • contributing with programs of rádio/tv with evangelização objectives, • helping in the maintenance of missionaries and evangelizadores, • dedicating the conjunct to it for that missions and evangelização act in. Interned people The evangelização also can be made using methods special to reach people who are in regimen of boarding school: • hospitals, • recovery houses, • chains, penitentiaries, • asylums, orphanages and day-care centers. If it does not forget always to observe the norms of the place where you to enter, as well as the local legislation on the pamphlet distribution. I want to evangelizar, Mr. Jesus! You can add other places and ways to this list. To the measure that if to dedicate to the noble task of evangelização, the Espirito Santo will open it new doors. E will lead it the places where the Evangelho needs to be nailed. So that this happens is available for God.
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