Monday, November 2nd, national holiday, a day that certainly will take part of the history as a worldwide record of congregation and devotion of Christian faith. 17th March for Jesus 2009 in São Paulo is already in phase of organization to joy and celebrate the name of Jesus marching four kilometers route, in the North Zone. The subject of this year, with expectation to gather 5 million people together, will be "Marching to knock giants down”
São Paulo - Faith, joy, prayer, music, order and harmony. The preparation for 17th March for Jesus has already started in many denominations and churches at São Paulo cities, in the country and neighbor countries. On November 2nd, at 10 a.m until 8 p.m, the route of Tiradentes Station Subway until the Square Heroes of Brazilian Force Expedition, FEB, in Santana, North Zone, will standstill- the estimating is over 5 million people. Faithful, Christians, and people from all kind of religion that have the same desire and direction: celebrate Jesus Christ. The peak will be the presentation of the North American gospel band Third Day (in Portuguese, "Terceiro Dia”). The name of the band is a Biblical reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, three days after His Crucifixion.
"The idea will always be the Union from all people around Jesus. From this flag no one will never take us apart" – says Apostle Estevam Hernandes, spiritual leader of the Reborn in Christ Church, denomination that organizes the March. In Brazil since August, the Apostle is coming back to command the route, guiding from an electric truck, beside his wife, Bishop Sonia Hernandes. Other electric truck and Christians will be followed from several and different churches and evangelical organizations across the city. In the movement, in the Square Heroes of the FEB will have prayers, sermon of God’s Word and lots of concert from gospel music. Beyond Third Day band, many other bands have already confirmed their presences in the event as Renascer Praise, Resgate, Perpétua Aliança, Ao Cubo, Banda do PA, Banda Cusm Band, Além do Véu, Militantes, Tempero do Mundo, Toque no Altar, Praise Machine, RM6, FLG and Katsbarnea, the singers Cassiane, Soraya Moraes, Mara Maravilha, Priscilla Alcântara, Talita Pagliarin and Denyse Bittencourt, Régis Danese, Kleber Lucas, Marcelo Aguiar, DJ Alpiste, X Barão and Waguinho.
Normally the March for Jesus take place in June, date officially reaffirmed, couple weeks ago, by the President of Brazil Lula, and next year it will take place at this same month, now in 2009 the March was programmed for happen November because of better conditions and structure, also because of the national holiday All Saints Day. Many Brazilian authorities will participate. The President and some of their Ministers will confirm the presence until the end of October.
The fact that has also called the attention of the world press is a continuous growth of religion in every part of Brazil. There are more than (200 000) two hundred thousand evangelicals churches. Every year appears more or less (10000) ten thousand new temples and (500) five hundreds theological schools; (300) three hundreds pastors and leaders have been trained.
March for Jesus has the help of many organizations, which are Confederation of Evangelicals Apostolic Churches of Brazil (Cieab), Council of Pastors from São Paulo’s State (CPESP), and the support from São Paulo’s City Hall, SPTuris, Military Police and other organizations. There are Rede Gospel, Site Igospel, Gospel Radio 90, 1 FM, that will transmit and broadcast the event live.
March for Jesus, in Brazil and in the world
March for Jesus is an international and interdenominational event. Which involves all denominations, and it happens on a thousand and different cities all over the world, its purpose was to show that the Christian Church is not confined and is not limited to the temple walls, but that it is alive, active and open to all society. Beyond joining and uniting Christian churches in an act of praising God and exalting Him before the whole world, declaring and exalting the name of Jesus Christ, March for Jesus, there are lots of participations of electric truck from many communities and Christian Churches. The event has Biblical fundament in Exodus 14, Joshua 6 and John 13:35.
The first March for Jesus was held in London (England), in 1987, by initiative of Pastor Roger Forster, and the singers and composers Graham Kendrick, Gerald Coates and Lynn Green. In 1992 March for Jesus had already became and acquired huge proportions worldwide of Praising and Worship God, arriving at other countries of America, Africa and Asia. In 1993 was the time of Brazil carry out its first edition of the event. Countries as Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, the Barbados, Bolivia, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, China (Hong Kong), Singapore, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Denmark, United States, Equator, Philippines, Finland, France, Hunger, Guinea Bissau, Italy, Japan, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, New Zeeland, Paraguay, Poland, Rich Port, Romania, Russia and many others from all of the over the world unite together to March for Jesus.
March for Jesus in Brazil is presided by Apostle Estevam Hernandes, who in this condition is responsible for the maintenance of aims and purposes of the original event, as well as for the coordination and organization of the Marches carried out in all Brazilian territory.
Marches in the Country - are programmed, for October month, the following Marches: Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, October 12th; Brasilia, DF, and Pernambuco, Recife, October 24th. After March for Jesus in São Paulo, on November 2nd, it will be the time of Salvador, Bahia, November 7th; Belo Horizonte and Muzambinho (South of Minas), November 14th and São Jose dos Campos, SP on November 28th.
Route: Subway Station Tiradentes, Tiradentes Avenue, Square Field of Bagatelle, following in direction to the Square Heroes of FEB, north zone of São Paulo.
Transmission and Broadcast live - the event will be transmitted and live broadcasted for Gospel Net TV, Gospel Radio and the site Gospel (
Adriana Bernardo e Celinha Matos
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segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009
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March for Jesus
site Gospel
São Paulo is being prepared for the biggest Christian movement in the world, November, 2nd, 2009
São Paulo is being prepared for the biggest Christian movement in the world, November, 2nd, 2009
Gospel Net TV#
Gospel Radio#
live broadcasted#
March for Jesus#
site Gospel#
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