The land was without empty form and; e had darknesses on the face of the abyss, but the Spirit of God pairava on the face of waters. God said: he has light. E had light. It saw God who the light was good; e made separation between the light and the darknesses. E God called the light day, and the darknesses night. E was the afternoon and the morning, the first day. E said God: it has a firmamento in the way them waters, and has separation between waters and waters. It made, therefore, God the firmamento, and separated the waters that were underneath of the firmamento of that they were over the firmamento. E thus was. It called God to the firmamento sky. E was the afternoon and the morning, the day second. E said God: The waters are gathered in one alone place that are underneath of the sky, and appear the dry element. E thus was. Land called God to the dry element, and the crowding of waters seas. E saw God who this good age. E said God: It produces the land relva, fruitful grass that give seed, and trees that, according to its species, gives fruit that has in itself its seed, on the land. E thus was. The land, therefore, produced relva, grass that according to gave to seed its species, and trees that gave fruit that had in itself its seed, according to its species. E saw God who this good age. E was the afternoon and the morning, the day third. E said God: it has luminares in the firmamento of the sky, to make separation between the day and the night; they are stop signals and for stations, and days and years; e serves of luminares in the firmamento of the sky, to alumiar the land. E thus was. God, therefore, made the two great luminares: bigger luminar to govern the day, and lesser luminar to govern the night; he also made the stars. E put them to God in the firmamento of the sky to alumiar the land, to govern the day and the night, and to make separation between the light and the darknesses. E saw God who this good age. E was the afternoon and the morning, the day room. E said God: They produce waters shoals of fish of living beings; e flies the birds above of the land in the firmamento of the sky. He created, therefore, God the marine monsters, and all the living beings that if dragged, which the waters had produced according to its species abundantly; e all bird that flies, according to its species. E saw God who this good age. Then it blessed them to God, saying: You bear fruit and you multiply you, and you full waters of the seas; e the birds are multiplied on the land. E was the afternoon and the morning, the day fifth. E said God: Its species produces the land according to living beings: domestic animals, reptiles, and wild beasts according to its species. E thus was. God, therefore, according to made the wild beasts its species, and the domestic animals according to its species, and all the reptiles of the land according to its species. E saw God who this good age. E said God: Let us make the man our image, as our similarity; it dominates on the fish of the sea, on the birds of the sky, the domestic animals, and all the land, and all reptile that if drags on the land. He created, therefore, God the man its image; the image of created it to God; man and created them to woman. Then he blessed them to God and he said to them: You bear fruit and you multiply you; you full the land and you subject it; you dominate on the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky and all the animals that if drag on the land. It said to them more: Here it is that I have given to all the grass to you that produces seed, which if find on the face of all the land, as well as all the trees where has fruit that it gives seed; they will be you for grocery. E to all the animals of the land, to all the birds of the sky and the all living being that if drags on the land, I have given to all the green grass as grocery. E thus was. E saw God everything how much it makes, and here it is that it was very good. E was the afternoon and the morning, the day sixth. Thus the skies and the land had been finished, with all its army. However, having God completed in day seventh a workmanship that had fact, the workmanship rested in this day of all that makes. It blessed God the seventh day, it santificou and it; because in it its workmanship rested of all that creates and makes.
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