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segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008


Problems of greaters or minors ratio appear all instant in our lives and each one of us have a personal way to deal with them. Some people simply give up to deal with them, for the simple fact not to understand its causes. Meditando on Peter and its reaction ahead of the soldiers who would arrest Jesus in the Getsêmani, we can get a new picture on our fragility and limitation. When the problem appeared ahead of Peter, its first reaction was to fight against it with its proper ways. With speed and precision, in the attempt to defend Jesus, the disciple unseamed its sword and, with a worthy maneuver of compliments, zap! … he left Malco, one of the soldiers of the ashamed guard, dolorido and bleeding. Peter cut the ear of the soldier with its sword. E to the times I am thinking: “Why Peter did not try to decollate the soldier instead of being amputated it ear? Who knows cut the foot, or the hand to it, but… the ear” , therefore the lack of the ear to would hinder Malco to it to continue fighting to fulfill its mission to arrest Jesus According to narrative of João (18.4-10) - that also it was present in this episode, the soldiers were kneel ahead of Jesus when Peter took off its sword and attacked Malco (v.10). It is well probable that Peter if has used to advantage of the situation, of the fact to be of the side of Jesus and to see the enemy, literally, prostrado ahead of the King, to try to dominate it. Perhaps if he has passed for the head of Peter something thus: “Ei! I took off the ear of it and we can also take off the vocês ears! They do not play with us, therefore Jesus is here”. Independent, however, of what Peter has thought, a thing is certain: Peter thought that small group of disciples that folloied Jesus could win an entire multitude armed with swords and clubs, full of fury (João 18.3; Lucas 22.52; Landmarks 14,43). As much that soon drew its sword and faced one of the soldiers (Lucas 22,49-50). Similarities stop with our way to think and to act ahead of our problems they are not mere coincidences, but real facts that if repeat as a vicious cycle. For the fact to be Christian, we load the name of Christ and many times we believe that we have all the domain of the situations; we believe that always the evil will always and be defeated ahead of us. We trust as much that the presence of Jesus will completely inhibit acting of the evil, that to any instant we are apt to draw our swords and to cut the ears of that they pursue in them or they annoy. How rejoicing for we is to see bleeding them and if feeling humiliated, kneel to our front! It would be really a triumph, if it was not a tragedy! To trust that our condition of followers of Christ in the exempt one of acting of the evil, in them exempts of all the illnesses and of the persecutions is a pity that has dominated many minds and hearts embaçados for the cloud of “paternalism the holy ghost”, that it nails to the philosophy on a “God bonzinho, that never displays Its children to the suffering, therefore It is pure love! ” But it sees the words of Jesus to follow: “Then Jesus said to it: Embainha your sword; because all the ones that to launch hand of the sword, to the sword will die. Or think you that I could not now pray my Father, and that It would not give twelve legions to Me of angels more than? As, therefore, if they would fulfill the Holy Writs, that say that thus it agrees that it happens” (Mateus 26,52-54) Jesus could be helped. For God, nothing it would be (nor he is) impossible. But he had a plan, an intention if to fulfill that Peter was unaware of. The presence of Jesus did not inhibit acting of the evil at that moment. But, in contrast, it allowed it, also, to be victorious for a period of time: “I have been every day with you in the temple, and you did not extend the hands against Me, but this is your hour and the power of the darknesses.” (Lucas 22,53) Another time… “I was with vocês every day in the patio of the Temple, and vocês to arrest had not tried Me. But this is the vocês hour and also the hour of the power of the blackout.” (Lucas 22,53 - NTLH) a temporary victory Was about the forces of the evil (1Coríntios 2,8); the final victory belongs to the God (João 1.5; Colossenses 1,13). E when this happens with us, that is, when we pray, we jejuamos, we consecrate, we beg, we determine, we wait… and nothing it happens? E when Jesus says in them that our sword will not change the plans of God? E when our action does not inhibit to act of the evil nor stimulates Christ If to reveal to this favor? E when that not dumb desconfortável situation, for more believing than let us be? E when we do not receive the cure from that sad illness, for more faith that has? He will be same that we have Biblical base to support that God does not import itself? He will be same that God If forgot? It is not what it seems, in agreement in explains Jesus to them: “… I will not drink it cálice that My Father gave to Me” (João 18,11) Eclesiastes 3,1 says that for everything it has a time and an intention. If God gave this mission for Christ, some reason had. E we, who we were reached by Its wonderful Favour, know well this reason: “Because God loved the world in such way, that he gave Its unigênito Son, so that all that one that in it believes does not perish, but has the perpetual life.” (João 3,16) With us he is not different. If God displayed Its Ungido in such way so that a much-needed intention was materialize, would also not subject in them to the test, to the wait, to also carry through great workmanship in us or through us? However, “in the truth… he is not the big servant who its Sir, nor the envoy biggest of what that one he sent whom it” (João 13,16). They are words of Jesus: “… If they had pursued Me to Me, will pursue also you; if they had kept My word, also will keep yours” (João 15,20). If Jesus was proven in the desert, also we will be. If Jesus suffered, also we will suffer. If Jesus was exaltado by God, also we will be if to ours Sir, as well as Jesus, also to remain fidiciary offices. It was not the faith of Peter who failed. It was its way to interpret and to answer to the problem that was missed. He had an intention of God and, before attacking soldier, Peter he must have attempted against this and looked to know this intention better. Christ, in other previous occasions, alerted to it on such. The victory of Jesus does not consist of winning people, but yes the evil that acts in them. Malco was an errand, submisso to the orders of its superiors. Jesus loved it and wise person of this its condition. Therefore, its ear cured and Peter more than did not allow to be honored in that situation what its problem (Lucas 22,50-51). A gigantic problem spiritual of the entire world was there and had that to be faced of front, but not with swords nor for the force of the arms of the disciples or Jesus. The courage of Jesus was not in running away but in facing the hell and the death to decide the problem that we could not decide. E, even so Jesus was gives to suffer as many pains, the main intention physically age to cure our espíritos. Instead of choosing to save that small group of disciples, Jesus chose to save the humanity. He would take some time until the followers of Christ understood this. But he happened. Aleluia! To the times we take much time also to understand the intentions of God when allowing definitive adverse situations reaching in them, reaching in them. Ahead of each one of them, before exactly to use the name of Christ to try to revert the picture, we must, with attention spiritual, wisdom and discernment, to search Mr. the lesson that It intends in giving through such permission and also favour to them to support the day of the anguish with joy in Mr. and hope in Its Word, “therefore we know that all the things work together for the good of that they love the God, of that It called Its plan in accordance with.” (Roman 8,28 - NTLH) Without wisdom and humildade to more know on the will of God, Peter he fought with its sword, per some instants had the joy sensation, was ashamed, saw the evil to be successful as if he was infallible, he lost the forces and he denied Jesus for three times followed, until, then, being despertado to look at for inside of itself exactly and verifying, with great bitter taste in the soul, the necessity of the change in its interior. Plus some days and Peter he would understand that it was truily necessary that Jesus died. Many other people do not have the same patience. It is the sad reality of who if it precipitates in judging God and devaluating Its intelligence, due to patience in waiting or for the insufficience of forces to support what it is unaware of, despite this accomplishment does not happen here in this life, but in the successor. They are imediatistas people, who search glories here (lesser or more significant) and do not live with sights to the eternity. Nor always the reasons of God are really explained. But nor therefore we must abandon our faith in Mr. and leave Its intention for, therefore the basic question to subject us it to live this “illogical logic” is the faith that God gave to each one of us (Roman 12,3). Without it, we will be able to support and never to wait the divine step for our lives. “They are glad therefore, even though now it is possible that vocês they are sad for some time, because of the many types of provações that vocês are suffering. These provações are for showing that the faith that vocês have is true. Therefore until the gold, that can be destroyed, he is proven for the fire. In the same way, the faith that vocês has, that valley much more what the gold, needs to be proven so that continues firm. Thus vocês E will receive approval, glory and honor, went in it where Jesus Christ will be disclosed.” (Words of Peter: the same that it denied Jesus three followed times, the same that did not understand the great intention of God for the world! - 1Pedro 1,6-7) Already vi some believers questioning God concerning the suffering the one that other people, pparently so correct, to the submitted ones. I do not want to have a reply for everything, but he has some explanations you fit: many times the suffering is consequence of our errors of the past. The sin is pardoned and is exempt of its conviction (Roman 8,1), but the consequences of it are and we must arcar with each one of them (Sayings 26,27). Other times, have lições, precious teachings know that you to be necessary transmitting in them, in order to mold our character and in them to become children more similar to It: “I reprehend and punishment all how many I love; you are therefore zealous, and you repent you.” (Apocalypse 3,19) “… you do not reject the correction Mr., nor you enojes of Its rebuke. Because it reprehends that one on this side to you loves, as well as the father to the son to who it wants well.” (Sayings 3,11-12) “Dirige my steps in Your ways, so that my footprints do not vacilem.” (Salmos 17,5) “Mr. proves just…” (Salmos 11.5a) He has, still, the responsibility of God to prove just to disclose Its glory and to convince an unjust one. People fidiciary offices and believers in God know that It has a reason, despite unknown, to allow any event in our lives. Many times, really, these reasons defy our faith, but they cannot disactivate it if always attempt against for the fact of that God never loses the situation control some. For one just she is more easy to support a provação, exactly that she comes for other people's reasons to its agreement, because people truily converted the God do not deny its faith in the Highest one, but search in it the forces and the wisdom that they need to support. With passing of the time, God carries through miracles, Its glory and power If they reveal and lives skeptics perceive the largeness of God, generally if relieving It and to Its wonderful Favour. It is as if God was acting for tabelinha to reach the life of a ímpio, therefore he made if it directly, for the sage lack and of faith of the skeptics, to certainly he would lose them Mr. of time. Pablo made ranks of this type in many verses of the Bible, as: “But in nothing I have my life for precious, contanto that it fulfills with joy my career, and the ministry that I received Mr. Jesus Christ to give certification of the Evangelho of the favour of God.” (Acts 20,24) “Because pra me the life is Christ, and dying is profit. But, if the life in the meat to give fruit to me of my workmanship, does not know then what it must choose. But of both the sides I am in squeeze, having desire to leave, and to be with Christ, because that is still very better. But I judge more necessary, for love of you, to be in the meat. E, having this confidence, I know that I will be, and I will remain with all you stops advantage yours and joy of the faith.” (Filipenses 1,21-25) the suffering the one that apóstolo was submitted also had the reason to help the people if to find and if to firm in the saving Evangelho of proper Jesus.O Jesus were submitted to this. It is just, saint, pure, without sin some, but he was submitted to the worse actions of the evil for the humanity: “It was rejected and rejected by all; It supported pains and sufferings without end. He was as somebody that we do not want to see; we not even looked at for It we disdained and It. However, it was our suffering that It was loading, was our pain that It was supporting. E we thought that he was because of Its proper ones you blame that he was punishing It to God, that was maltreating It to God and wounding. However, It was suffering because of our sins, was being punished because of our badnesses. We are cured by the punishment that It suffered, we are sarados by the sufferings that It received. (...) My Servant does not have sin, but It will suffer the punishment that many deserve, and thus the sins of them will be pardoned.” (Isaiah 53.3-5,11b - NTLH) Peter did not give attention in this in case that e, therefore, precipitated in “helping” Jesus of the situation horrenda the one that would be submitted by the next hours. When, finally, Peter looked at exactly for itself and saw that everything was so that it also had change in it, then the disciple understood that the plans of Gods, despite incompressible, must be accepted, therefore our sins, our limitations, many times hinders in them to understand that God is the Saint, Mr., and that Its intentions are necessary and unquestionable. If not to know Its reasons here in this world, we will discover certainly them in the eternity. It was therefore and since then that Peter dedicated its days to announce the love and the pardon of God to the world, the point to die therefore. “Eloí, Eloí, mud sabctâni” (Landmarks 15.34a) “God Mine, God Mine, you abandoned because Me” (Landmarks 15.34b) This was the outcry of Christ, when nor It understood the reason of God to have abandoned to It. However, it took Its cross until the end and he was not turned aside there from the presence of the Pai.Mesmo, in Its last minutes of life, and without apparent reasons so that he had abandoned It to God, he was at the hands of it that Jesus preferred to deliver Its spirit, therefore does not have safer place, nor more certain nor more necessary where we can be, if not at the hands of Highest Deus.Que this teaching either a model always followed with per item honor of the children of God, in all its moments, either the disclosed logic we or simply a challenge to our faith. Amen.

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