TRUTH, almost forgotten word between evangélicos lately. But before speaking on this, historinha would like to count to one… certain time a group of friends was congregated, when one of them arrived with a strange half hairdo and asked what the others had found of its appearance, all had been unanimous, had said that he was pretty, very pretty. But when leaving them for a few seconds all the ones that had praised had criticized the attitude of that friend, and they saw whenever it to arrive at far spoke badly, but as soon as it came close everything came back to the “normal one”… coming back to the subject, this small history demonstrates what he is transferred today in our churches, where the “people of God” if forgot it nineth order that says: “It will not say false certification against your next one”. Nowadays also it is common to see groups of people in the church who if say friends, or exactly leader that says if to worry about led its and prevents to say the truth on whom it is made a mistake from fear of magoar its friends (Pv 27:5,6), says until the blood of that person will fall on its hands. However the blood of the person in fact will fall again on its they to occult the truth, if to prefer a lie branda a hard truth that seems to hurt, therefore the truth the times “is dolorida” (Ez 33:8, 9). Now we go remembering in them the words of JESUS when said that we must be salt of the land and light of the world, but as we will be able to salt if the salt will be dull? Or the light to illuminate if it to meet hidden? (TM 5:13 - 16). This text treats on the good workmanships (certification, character) that all Christian it must have to glorify the God, but as we will be able to give certification if we even though do not say the truth in the small things? I am not saying that you will go to speak that people are ugly or of insignificant things, but will go to say the truth on things that really are important and excellent for the life and even though for the salvation of the people. THE PEACE DE CHRIST
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