Three important interdenominational prayer events are taking place in September and October, focusing on spiritual revival, support for Israel, and unreached people groups.
Foursquare churches across the U.S. will join thousands of other Christian groups and parachurch organizations in three special interdenominational prayer observances during September and October.
The prayer events kick off Sept. 11 with the Cry Out America 9/11 Prayer Initiative. The annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem follows on Oct. 6. A Global Day to Pray for the Unreached Peoples of the World will be held Oct. 27.
Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr. encourages Foursquare members to join with other believers in the body of Christ for these events. He recalls the words of the legendary E.M. Bounds, the renowned 19th-century Methodist minister and author of several books on prayer: “No learning can make up for the failure to pray. No earnestness, no diligence, no study, no gifts will supply its lack.”
Cry Out America is spearheaded by the Awakening America Alliance, which offers a variety of resources, reports and opportunities to get involved. The alliance is designed to serve as an umbrella organization to help unite churches nationwide to seek spiritual awakening. It is issuing a wake-up call for revival while advocating that congregations join together in prayer, fasting and action to touch their communities, and also welcome and disciple youth.
Nearly 150 denominations and organizations are partners of Awakening America Alliance, including Jack Hayford Ministries. Among other Pentecostal groups involved are the Assemblies of God, Church of God of Prophecy, International Pentecostal Church of Christ, Pentecostal Church of God, and Rock Church International.
Foursquare churches that participate in the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) on Oct. 6 will have an opportunity to witness the flagship event in Jerusalem, which will be broadcast internationally over GOD TV. Churches can go to the DPPJ website to register, find information on local and regional events in their area, and learn about ways they can make a difference.
Started in 2002 with a meeting of leading political and religious leaders from Israel and the U.S., DPPJ is now the largest prayer movement of its kind. More than 1,200 key evangelical leaders support the event, including Jack Hayford, who served as Foursquare president from 2004-2009. In an article on the event’s website titled “Why Stand With Israel Today?” Pastor Jack lists eight reasons to support the nation.
“We are living in a sobering moment in history that calls us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to take a stand with Israel,” Pastor Jack states in the article. “We are not to be passive in the face of prophecy; we are called to pray with passion, to intercede, and to minister according to the words of the Savior.”
Rabbi Hylan Slobodkin, who is active in the new Foursquare Messianic Rabbis Caucus and leads Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation(Newcastle SE Foursquare Church) in Newcastle, Wash., hopes more Foursquare churches will enlist in this effort.
“Jerusalem is the only city in the Bible we are commanded to pray for,” says Rabbi Hylan. “If Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem, we should be watching this city very carefully.”
Foursquare is partnering with the Billion Soul Network for the Oct. 27 launch of the Global Day to Pray for the Unreached Peoples of the World. With more than 6,000 unreached people groups worldwide, the event will focus on three:
Churches that want to participate on Oct. 27 can download resources such as a fact sheet, prayer cards, slides, web banners and flyers at the website for the Global Day to Pray for the Unreached Peoples of the World.
Noting that the church worldwide has a common enemy, a common Savior and a common assignment, Foursquare President Glenn Burris Jr. says the body of Christ can complete the Great Commission if we choose to do it together.
“As we participate in united prayer, our hearts will be knit together in His love,” Glenn affirms. “We will begin to see God do great and mighty things in our families and communities, as well as in our nation and around the world.”
By: Ken Walker, an award-winning freelance writer living in Huntington, W.Va