On occasion, the biblical material was also distributed to about 30 arrested women formed in the course of Discipleship, given by the Charity Cultural Association (ASAF). To celebrate the achievement of the students, there was a cult of graduation within the prison and delivery of certificates of completion. A new group of prisoners has already started the course, which lasts three months and is applied to the biblical literature donated by SBB.
"The biblical material offered is essential because it has a language and now offers support for those arrested to understand the Bible and its history. In each class, we address an issue and they research biblical books. The collection complements our work of evangelization and Bible study with the interns, "says Marcos Ximenes Eli, priest and teacher of Discipleship.
Contact with the scripture has transformed the lives of some prisoners. "The Bible has changed my character. When I arrived I did not know the Word. But inside the prison gave me the opportunity to read the Bible, which had the power to change my thoughts and way of acting and thinking. The Word gives strength to continue to wait for freedom and relieves the pain and suffering in prison, "says Patricia de Fátima Mendes, 39. "If I had not heard or practiced since the Word, would be lost in here," he adds.
Before agnostic by conviction, Evelyn Brandão da Silva, 27, has also embraced the power of the Holy Book after completing the course of Discipleship. "I was against God and not believe in anything. But here in prison I started to know Jesus. And he gave me the distinction between the justice of man and justice of God, "he says.
Evelyn served a short and is already free. It guarantees that the Bible will remain a 'food' important for life. "God is love, he forgives, supports the difficulties, opens the doors of opportunities and strengthens the spiritual and personal growth. Outsiders may not know how the Bible changes people's lives. Many become stuck because of the word "witness.
The Bible and its values impacting many people in prisons because they give hope and wisdom. After knowing the biblical text for three years, the inmate Claudinete Batista Araujo, 42, felt liberated and, above all, educated. "I was illiterate and knew Jesus in jail. Got a Bible and she learned to read and write. I've just graduated in theology, studying the Bible and readings have opened my mind, "attests.
Communion with the Word of God soon brought beneficial changes. "Before, I did many bad things. Today, thanks to the Bible, I have opportunities, comfort and hope. I only drink the clean water. My sentence was 25 years and, by God, fell to 13. When you leave, I will dwell in the church and I have to work ", boasts Claudinete.
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