In the infantile evangelismo it is important to know that Biblical education must in accordance with be the age, searching the best way to evangelizar children. Infantile Evangelismo It will be that we must speak for a child who it is guilty when makes some wrong thing? E that this error can be a sin? Some affirm that the human being must know, since small, that it is a pecador. Others find that only we must evangelizar children when they have more age. When they already know what it is certain e what she is made a mistake. When to evangelizar children? We believe that the infantile evangelismo must be practised since early. If not forgetting, however, that the infantile evangelismo must be in accordance with the age of the child. In the start of the life it is not necessary to speak of guilt and of sin when the child commits some error. Optimum it is Biblical education, preparing the heart of the child to honor the God, to sing louvores and to pray with it. What Jesus spoke on the children? On the children, Jesus said: " … of the such it is the Kingdom of Deus" (Landmarks 10:14) e " … its angels in skies always see the face of my Father who is in céus" (Mateus 18:10). Jesus Christ also is Salvador of the children When she will be in more advanced age the child goes to understand what it is certain e what he is made a mistake. Then he will be able to understand when he errou and when the God disobeyed. In this age, it also he will be able to understand that Christ died for it. E that its sins can be pardoned, believing in Jesus and accepting as its Salvador. The infantile evangelismo starts in house Since early, the parents must say of God its children. To count histories of the Bible, to sing and to pray with them. Thus God commanded to the nation of Israel, through Moisés: “And these words that I command today you will be in your heart; e you will summon them your children and of them you will speak seated in your house, and walking for the way, and lying down to you, and raising you” (Deuteronômio 6:6 - 7)
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